대장질환, 염증성 장질환 (크론병,궤양성 대장염,베체트 장염,장결핵) 신환클리닉, 베체트 장염 클리닉
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[경력] 2021 .09 ~ | 울산의대 서울아산병원 염증성장질환센터소장
[경력] 2021 .04 ~ | 대한장연구학회 학술위원장
[학력] 2005 .03 ~ 2007 .02 | 서울대학교 (의학 박사)
[학력] 2002 .03 ~ 2005 .02 | 서울대학교 (환경보건학 석사)
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AMC 참 좋은 당신 소화기내과 예병덕 교수님 감사합니다
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[논문] Adult-onset megacolon with focal hypoganglionosis: A detailed phenotyping and prospective cohort study 외 189편 + 더보기
[의학포스터] Serum albumin and C-reactive protein week 2/week 0 ratio after anti-TNF therapy best predict both short- and long-term clinical outcomes in anti-TNF-na?ve ulcerative colitis patients 외 36편 + 더보기
[연구발표] Fluorescence imaging of matrix metalloproteinases expression in mouse colon tumors induced by azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate 외 10편 + 더보기
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